Friday, March 20, 2015

friday favorites 3.20

// inspiration
I've just loved all the reclaimed wood projects and ideas that I've been coming across lately. Have any of you ever attempted a DIY with reclaimed wood? I'd love to make something...just not sure what yet! 

// weekday moment
We made an impromptu trip to TJMaxx on Monday night, and Aaron and I were floored by the sunset while we were driving. Wish I had a proper camera with me and not use the iPhone!

// looking forward to
Can't wait to see this beauty tomorrow morning, bright and early! She is making a special trip down from Akron just to see me, and we have a whole day of shopping, snacking, and gabbing planned - sleepover included :)

// words to live by

// funnies

And sending some birthday love to one of my beautiful blogger friends, Laura! 
Check out her awesome blog, Happily Ever Parker, and wish her a happy birthday! :)

If you want to join in the fun, link up via the lovely ladies listed below!


  1. I love reclaimed wood projects too! I've thought about doing one in one of our guest rooms, but haven't gotten around to it yet (it's so low on our to-do list with the house, but maybe one day!) Yay for best friends visiting! Those are some of the best weekends! Hope it's a great one!!

  2. I love your inspirations, such beautiful choices. I love wood in the home!!!!

    have a great weekend.

  3. buy less, choose well - seriously, words i am trying to live by right now.
    that sunset is GORGEOUS. so jealous. i feel like i see pretty sunsets sometimes but can never capture them.

  4. Haha awesome kid whoever he is that filled out that test! Gorgeous sunset for sure. Have the best time with your friend this weekend! And PS my friend Paige is actually about to use driftwood for shelves. She bought wrought iron brackets and is going to lay the drift wood across each to create shelves on her wall. Reclaimed wood idea right?

  5. That sunset is gorgeous! Hope you had a great weekend with your girlfriend! :) I love the reclaimed wood projects but I honestly don't even know where I would begin! Haha :)


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