Friday, June 5, 2015

the best anniversary yet

Taking a break from the typical Friday posts to share some special news...

Many of you may have seen on my Instagram already, but Aaron proposed on our anniversary this Wednesday! It was a complete surprise and so romantic and perfect!

Our 4 year anniversary was Wednesday, June 3rd and I thought Aaron was going to be home super late because he was out of state traveling for I took off Thursday so we could celebrate our anniversary then. I had work and school, like always, but when I pulled up to the house at 9:30 after getting home from class, I saw hundred of candles lining our front porch...

As I walked into the house, there were candles and white roses everywhere...and Aaron on bended knee :) I'll keep his speech to myself, but let's just say we were both in tears (and it had me close to sobbing haha!)

My heart is bursting with happiness and I am so beyond excited to marry my best friend! 

He customized the ring himself and it is just perfect...

Needless to say, this has been the best anniversary yet...and one of the best days of my life! Planning won't start for a while because I need to finish school...doing both on top of working would just be too much - so we are just enjoying being engaged now! I'm excited to share the planning with all of you once it begins though! xx


  1. Aw OMG GIRL! That is so amazing and I am beyond thrilled for you! I can't believe I missed the post. Your ring is stunning! Big kiss to y'all!! xx

  2. So happy for you!! Enjoy the engagement girl!!

  3. CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS, LADY!!!! Enjoy the time that is the engagement bubble. It truly is one of the best times of your life! Love your ring!

  4. Ahhhh!!! This gave me the chills! I am SO happy for you! How special and exciting!!! Beautiful ring! Aaron did an excellent job! What a sneak! Haha! ;)

  5. What a gorgeous ring! He did good! Congratulations! Such an exciting time in your life!

  6. Ahhhh what a sweet story! I can't believe he customized the ring himself- it's so beautiful! Congratulations :)

  7. awww congrats lovely!! seriously. gorgeous ring and sounds like a lovely proposal. and i just adore that picture & quote! congrats again :)

  8. I am so late reading this to say congratulations! Your ring is BEAUTIFUL - so classic! So so so happy for you, now can't wait to start seeing wedding planning posts once you finish school!!! =)


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